Registration will happen at the Tournament Information Table, which will be located at the snack bar. All teams are required to sign in and register at least 1 hour prior to their first game. Teams will leave their folders with the admin volunteer for evaluation prior to their first game and can pick them up after their game is complete. Any concerns with binder documents will be addressed at pickup, and the team needs to provide any corrections prior to their next game.
Mandatory documents for each Player:
1. D57 Summer Tournament Affidavit page with roster, signed by Manager and League President
2. Medical Release Form
Mandatory documents for each Coach:
1. Volunteer application for all coaches
2. Concussion form signed by both the player and parent
3. Medical Release form
4. Background Clearance Certification
5. Recognizing Abuse
Tournament Roster Requirements:
All teams will be limited to 12 active players identified at the time of sign-in. All players shall be the appropriate league age for the tournament as identified by the 2023 Little League Baseball Official Regulations and Playing Rules.
Snack Bar:
The snack bar will be open during game times. The Dublin Sports Grounds snack bar is located in the building between the playground and field 3. The Fallon Sports Park snack bar is located between Field E and Field F.
Each team will provide a scorekeeper for their games. The home team will score the game on the tournament-provided GameChanger. The visiting team will keep the pitch count on the paper forms that are in the tournament binder in each score booth.
Pre-Game Warmups:
Teams can warm up in the outfield of all fields. Teams must stay off the infield between games to allow the fields to be properly prepped. Batting cages are available on a first-come-first-serve basis.
General Playing Rules:
District 57 Summer Tournament Policy All games will support District 57 Summer Tournament Policy. (
Some essential items from that:
· 50-pitch limit (soft limit, can finish batter)
· Mandatory Play Every player on the team roster must play six (6) defensive outs. No requirement for innings played in the infield.
· Continuous batting will be used for all games.
· Dropped third-strike rule is in play.
Unique Tournament Rules:
To closely mimic the Savannah Bananas baseball rules, while honoring Little League baseball, the following game rules apply:
· Win the inning, get the point.
o Every inning is worth one point.
o The team that gets the most runs in an inning, gets a point for that inning.
· 2-hour time limit
o No new inning after 1 hour and 45 minutes.
o In the last inning of the game, every run counts.
· No mound visits allowed
o Not from a coach, catcher or any other player at any time.
· If a fan catches a foul ball, it counts as an out.
o Encourage family and friends to come participate!
· 1st-base coach must be a player
o Last in the lineup or last batted out.
o On-field player coaches must wear their batting helmet while at 1st base.
· Showdown Tie-breaker
o If the game is tied going into the last allowed inning, the game will go into a Showdown Tiebreaker.
§ Based on time, both managers agree on the last inning to be played.
§ Every run scored counts until there is a winner.
Pitching Rules:
The pitching rules for the tournament will follow the 2023 Tournament Rules and Guidelines for Little League Baseball as found in the 2023 Little League Baseball Official Regulations and Playing Rules, as well as the D57 Policy Letter for tournament play. These are as follows:
· No pitcher will be allowed to pitch in more than 1 game per day.
· No pitcher will be allowed to pitch on 3 consecutive days.
· Up to 20 pitches…….no rest required/may pitch next day
· 21-35 pitches………..1 day of rest required
· 36-50 pitches………..2 days of rest required
· 50 pitch max………...No hard stop, pitcher may finish batter
· For all pitch limit thresholds (including the 50-pitch limit), a pitcher may finish the batter if the limit is reached before the AB is complete. Scorekeepers keeping the pitch count log must circle the limit pitch so that the tournament directors know what threshold was reached even if the pitcher goes over to complete the AB. No player may pitch in more than one game per day regardless of how many pitches they threw in the first game.
Catching-Pitching rules are that if a player is going to play the position of catcher and pitcher in the same game then they need to have pitched 40 pitches or less as well as played the position of catcher for 3 innings or less. If they play the position of catcher, then later pitcher, and then later back to catcher then their pitch count needs to be 20 or less and their total innings at catcher must be 3 innings or less.
Format: Pool Play
3 games are guaranteed during the weekend for each team. Due to an odd number of teams in each tournament, there will be one team that only gets 2 games during the weekend. That team will be credited with a forfeit win for their third game.
Top 4 teams from each pool will advance to the weekday single elimination bracket. Tiebreakers in pool play and overall standings are as follows:
· Wins
· Head to head
· Runs for
· Run differential
· Coin toss
· Assistant Coach Dance off
Home/Visitor - Pool Play:
For pool play, home and visitor are identified on the schedule.
For bracket play, the higher-seeded team is the home team and takes the 3rd base dugout.
Field Locations:
Dublin Sports Grounds Fields 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - 6700 Dublin Blvd., Dublin CA 94568 Fallon Sports Park Fields E, F – 4605 Lockhart St., Dublin CA 94568
Time Limits:
No new inning shall begin after 1 hour and 45 minutes from the official start of play. Weekend hard stop at 2:15.
Pool play games may end in a tie.
Bracket games may not end in a tie, and thus a “Showdown Tie-breaker” will be played until a winner is declared. If a game is tied and darkness comes into effect the game will be concluded the next game day 1 hour prior to the game that one of the teams will play as a result of the outcome.
Mandatory play:
Every player on the team roster must play 6 defensive outs. Continuous batting will be used in each game.
Only the Manager, up to 2 adult coaches, and players on the roster may be in the dugout. One adult must be present in the dugout at all times.
Umpires and Parent/Coach Interactions
There will be no appeal of calls unless there is a concern with a specific rule application. An example of a rule application is if a player tags the base and the umpire calls a runner out but it was not a force play. Ball/strike, fair/foul, close out/safe calls are umpire judgment calls and are not open for discussion.
Some games will be umpired by a single adult, or multiple youth umpires. All umpires are fully trained and have been umpiring throughout the spring season, if not longer.
There is a zero-tolerance policy regarding the treatment of umpires during the tournaments. If a player, coach or parent is found making negative comments (both verbal and non-verbal) toward or about an umpire, that person will be ejected and will not be allowed back for the duration of the tournament.
Map of Dublin Sports Grounds